Secrets of Digital Photography
Digital Rebel in China!    6 / 6 / 2004



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All photos by the author.

Canon Digital Rebel Page 2 of 4    Page 1     Page 3     Page 4


Young acrobats in Wan Zhou demonstrate that almost anything can look impossible with enough practice.
Sigma 28-200.

Ladies, start your engines.
Canon Kit Lens, center, Sigma 28-200 on sides.

Whatever it is, it must be fascinating or, at minimum, inscrutable.
Canon Kit Lens.

Shanghai: Infrastructure growing pains.   Did Marco Polo design that pagoda?    Meet my statuesque wife and kid...
(All Sigma 28-200)

Canon 18-55mm Kit Lens at 18mm.
Magnetic levitation trains run to the Shanghai Airport at jet speed. Thank goodness for clarity in signage.

At a shrine: How locals look to tourists. / How tourists look to locals.
Sigma 28-200.

Canon Digital Rebel Gallery Continues -->

China Trip Overview.

Olympus E-1 Gallery.

Canon Pro1 Gallery.

Nikon CP5400 Gallery.

Winner's Circle.

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All components, text and images © 2004 Peter iNova.
All rights reserved. Do not reprint. Do not link to images.

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